Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1

The Noun Phrase and The Verb Phrase

Hhm., sebenarnya saya kurang begitu bagus dalam berbahasa inggris, bukan karena masalah aksen atau apa, tapi emang gak begitu ngerti sama pelajaran yang satu ini. Maklum, telatnya saya belajar ditambah semakin tingginya tingkat bangku sekolah yang saya duduki menjadikan saya sebagai yang terbelakang dibanding teman-teman yang lain. Wal hasil, sampai sekarang saya masih trauma kalau mendengar kata-kata grammar, tenses, dan keturunannya.

Tapi khusus kali ini saya harus do something, kalau tidak, bakalan gak punya cadangan nilai untuk mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris Bisnis semester ini. Yang dapat saya tangkap dalam kurang lebih 5 kali pertemuan tatap muka adalah sebagai berikut :

1. The Noun Phrase

Bersumber dari sebuah jendela dunia –buku– yang saya buka, the noun phrase atau ungkapan kata benda adalah kumpulan kata atau kalimat yang berakhiran kata benda. Mungkin yang dimaksudkan di sini adalah kalimat yang pokonya merupakan ungkapan sebuah kata benda, tapi tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk dibumbui dengan kalimat-kalimat lain, kalimat keterangan misalnya.

1.1 Count and Non-Count Nouns

The noun phrase ini dibagai menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu count noun dan non-count noun. Seperti kata-katanya, count noun adalah ungkapan kata benda yang dapat dihitung, sedangkan non-count noun adalah ungkapan kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung.

Contoh count noun :

Book => one book, two books, three books, dan seterusnya.

Contoh non-count noun :

Milk  => one glass of milk, two glasses of milk, dan seterusnya.

Koq beda ya? Padahal keduanya –buku dan susu– kan kata benda!? Ya iyalah kawan! Buku termasuk ke dalam kata benda yang dapat dihitung. Bagaimanapun bentuknya, segi empat, oval, tebal ataupun tipis, pasti dapat diukur dengan pasti. Jadi dapat langsung menggunakan ‘satu buku’, ‘dua buku’, dan seterusnya. Namun lain halnya dengan contoh non-count di atas. Susu memang kata benda, tapi di masuk ke dalam kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung. Koq bisa!? Coba aja kalau kita ke pasar mau beli susu, pasti kita beli dengan wadah, dalam kaleng, botol, atau kardus. Kita juga gak pernah kan beli susu cuma sebutir dua butir, gak mungkin – yang ada dibilang koret nanti –. Makanya boys and girls, itulah kenapa kata benda ‘susu’ harus menggunakan kata gelas untuk melengkapi ungkapan pada contoh di atas. Gak harus gelas juga sih, bisa saja botol, atau semacamnya.

With Count Noun With Non-Count Noun
a, the, some, any the, some, any
this, that, these, those this, that
none, one, two, three, . . . . . . . none
manya lot of

a large number of

a great number of

(a) few

fewer . . . . . than

more . . . .. . than

much (usually in negatives or question)a lot of

a large amount of

(a) little

less . . . . . than

more . . . . tha

Kata ‘waktu’ dapat menjadi kata yang bisa dihitung dapat pula menjadi kata yang tidak dapat dihitung, tergantung dari konteksnya. Jika yang sedang dibicarakan mempunyai arti occasion maka kata ‘waktu’ termasuk kedalam kata yang dapat dihitung, namun jika artinya a number of hours, days, years, etc, maka kata ‘waktu’ termasuk kedalam kata yang tidak dapat dihitung.

Contoh :

We have spent too much time on this homework. (non-count)

She has been late for class six times this semester. (conut)


1. He doesn’t have (many / much) money.

2. I would like (a few / a little) salt on my vegetables.

3. She bought (that / those) cards last night.

4. There are (less / fewer) students in this room than in the next room.

5. There is (too much / too many) bad news on television tonight.

6. I don’t want (this / these) water.

7. This is (too many / too much) information to learn.

8. A (few / little) people left early.

9. Would you like (less / fewer) coffee than this.

10. This jacket costs (too much / too many).

1.2 A and an

Kata a dan an merupakan kata imbuhan yang diletakkan di depan kata benda tunggal yang berarti satu. Kata a digunakan sebelum kata yang berawalan huruf konsonan, sedangkan kata an digunakan sebelum kata yang berawalan huruf vokal. Tapi ada beberapa kata yang tidak memenuhi aturan tersebut.

a house (dimulai dengan pengucapan konsonan)

an hour (dimulai dengan pengucapan vokal)

a university (dimulai dengan pengucapan konsonan)

an umbrella (dimulai dengan pengucapan vokal

Jadi mungkin lebih tepat kalau dikatakan, kata-kata yang berawalan dengan pengucapan konsonan harus dimulai dengan kata ‘a’, sedangkan kata-kata yang berawalan dengan pengucapan vocal harus dimulai dengan kata ‘a’.

Contoh ‘a’ :

>House             >Home             >Heavy

>Half                  >Uniform        >University

>Universal      >Union

Contoh ‘an’ :

>Uncle              >Umbrella

>Hour                >Heir

1.3 The

Kata the digunakan untuk menunjukkan/menyatakan tentang sesuatu yang sudah kita ketahui, atau tentang sesuatu yang sudah diketahui khalayak umum/orang banyak.

The boy in the corner is my friend. (Pembicara dan pendengar sama-sama mengetahui orangnya)

The earth is round. (Hanya ada satu bumi)

Apabila digabungkan dengan non-count nouns (kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung), kata the bisa dugunakna untuk kalimat yang khusus/spesifik, tapi tidak dapat digunakan untuk yang bersifat umum/general.

Sugar is sweet. (General – all sugar)

The sugar on the table is from Cuba. (Specific – the sugar that is on the table)


Tambahkan kata ‘a’, ‘an’ atau ‘the’ jika kalimat dibawah ini membutuhkannya. Namun jika tidak membutuhkan, biarkan saja kosong!

1. Jason’s father bought him the bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday.

2. The Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship form _____ France to the United States.

3. Rita is studying _____ English and _____ math this semester.

4. The judge asked the witness to tell the truth.

5. Please give me a cup of _____ coffee with _____ cream and _____ sugar.

6. The big books on the table are for my history class.

7. No one in _____ Spanish class knew the correct answer to _____ Mrs.Perez’s question.

8. My _____ car is four years old and it still runs well.

9. When you go to the store, please buy a bootle of _____ chocolate milk and a dozen oranges.

10. There are only _____ few seats left for tonight’s musical at _____ university.

11. John and Marcy went to _____ school yesterday and then studied in the library before returning home.

12. _____ Lake Erie is one of the five Great Lakes in _____ North America.

13. on our trip to _____ Spain, we crossed the Atlantic Ocean.

14. _____ Mount Rushmore is the site of a magnificent tribute to the four great American presidents.

15. what did you eat for _____ breakfast this morning?

16. Louie played _____ basketball and _____ baseball at the Boy’s Club this yar.

17. Rita plays _____ violin and her sister plays guitar.

18. While we were in _____ Alaska, we saw an Eskimo village.

19. Phill can’s got to the movies tonight because he has to write an essay.

20. David attended _____ Princeton University.

21. Harry has been admitted to the School of Medicine at midwestern university.

22. Mel’s grandmother is in _____ hospital, so we went to visit her last night.

23. _____ political science class is taking a trip to the Soviet Union in _____ spring.

24. _____ Queen Elizabeth II is the monarch of _____ Great Britain.

25. The Declaration of Independence was drawn up in 1776.

26. Scientists hope to send an expedition to _____ Mars during _____ 1980s.

27. Last night there was a bird singing outside my house.

28. The chair that you are sitting in is broken.

29. The Civil War was fought in the United States between 1861 and 1865.

30. _____ Florida State University is smaller than the University of Florida.

1.4 Other, Another and Others

Kata other, another dan others dapat diartikan dengan ‘yang lain’ atau ‘lainnya’. ketiga kata tersebut sangan membingungkan, terutama untuk orang seperti saya. Maka untuk menentukan bagaimana mengguanakan masing-masing kata tersebut dengan tepat, harus diperhatikan empat hal berikut :

1. Jika kata itu singular (tunggal) atau plural (jamak).

2. Jika kata itu definite –the– (tentu) atau indefinite –a– (tak tentu),

3. Jika kata itu berfungsi sebagai adjective yang menerangkan noun atau senantiasa bersama dengan noun.

4. Jika kata itu berfungsi sebagai pronoun yang dapat berdiri sendiri.

I have another (adj.) book

I have another (pron.)

Dari contoh di atas, another digunakan hanya untuk menunjuk kepada an indefinite (tak tentu). Dan dengan benda tunggal (singular).

I have other (adj.) books

I have others. (pron)

I have the other book (adj.)

I have the other (pron.)

I have the other books (adj.)

I have the others (pron).

Perhatikan bahwa others hanya digunakan sebagai plural pronoun yang tidak bersama dengan noun (dapat berdiri sendiri). Sedangkan other dapat digunakan untuk semuanya.

I have three books, two are mine. The other book is yours. (The others is yours).

I have three books, one is mine. The others are yours. (The others are yours).

If you are still thirsty, I’ll make another pot of coffee.


Lengkapi dengan bentuk Other!

1. This pen isn’t working. Please give me another. (singular)

2. If you are still thirsty. I’ll make another pot of coffee.

3. This dictionary has a page missing. Please give me the other. (the las one)

4. He doesn’t need those books. He needs the others. (all the remaining)

5. There are thirty people in the room. Twenty are from Latin America and the other are from other countries.

6. Six people were in the store. Two were buying meat. Another was looking at magazines. Another was eating a candy bar. The other were walking around looking for more food. (notice the verb)

7. This glass of milk is sour. Another glass of milk is sour too.

8. The army was practicing its drills. One group was doing artillery practice. Another was marching; another was at attention; and the other was practicing combat tactics.

9. There are seven students from Japan. The others are from Iran, and others are from other places.

10. We looked at four cars today. This first two were far too expensive, but the other ones were reasonably priced.

2. The Verb Phrase

2.1. Tenses and aspects

Simple Present : He walks to school every day.

Simple Past : He walked to school yesterday.

Present Progressive (continuous) : He is walking to school now.

Past Progressive (continuous) : He was walking to school when he saw Jane

Present Perfect : He has waked to school several times.

Past Perfect : He had walked to school before he hurt his foot.

2.2. Simple Present Tense

Tensis ini biasanya tidak digunakan menunjukkan present time secara kompleks, tapi untuk menunjukkan waktu yang sekarang (sedang dilakukan), dan biasanya terjadi dalam keseharian.

Contoh :

Something smells very good.

He practices the piano everyday.

2.3. Present Progressive (Continuous) Tense

Rumus :

subject + to be (am/are/is) + [verb + ing] . . . . .

Contoh :

We are leaving for the theater at seven o’clock.

They are driving to school tomorrow.


Lengkapi dengan Simple Present atau Present Progressive!

1. Something smells (smell) very good.

2. We are eating (eat) dinner at seven o’clock tonight.

3. He practices (practice) the piano every day.

4. They are driving (drive) to school tomorrow.

5. I believes (believe) you.

6. Maria has (have) a cold.

7. Jorge is swimming (swim) right now.

8. John hates (hate) smoke.

9. Jill always gets (get) up at 6:00 A.M.

10. Jerry is mowing (mow) the lawn now.

2.4. Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense digunakan untuk sebuah kejadian kompleks yang terjadi pada satu waktu yang telah lampau pada waktu yang spesifik.

Contoh :

John went to Spain last year.

Bob bought a new car yesterday.

2.5. Past Progressive (continuous) Tense

Rumus :

subject + to be (was/were) + [verb + ing] . . . . .

Tensis ini digunakan untuk menerangkan beberapa hal, yaitu :

1) Suatu kejadian yang telah terjadi di masa lampau dan telah disela dengan kejadian yang lainnya. Dalam kasus ini, rumusnya adalah :

when + subject1 + simple past tense + subject2 + past progressive . . .


subject1 + past progressive + when + subject2 + simple past tense . . .

Contoh :

When Mark came home, Martha was watching TV.

Martha was watching TV when Mark came home.

2) Dua kejadian yang terjadi secara bersamaan di masa lampau. Dalam kasus ini, rumusnya adalah :

subject1 + past progressive + while + subject2 + past progressive . . .


while + subject1 + past progressive + subject2 + past progressive . . .

Contoh :

Martha was watching TV while Mark was reading a book.

While Mark was reading a book, Martha was watching TV.

3) Suatu kejadian yang terjadi pada waktu yang spesifik di masa lampau.

Contoh :

Martha was watching TV at seven o’clock last night.

What were you doing at one o’clock this afternoon?


Lengkapi dengan Simple Past atau Past Progressive!

1. Gene was eating (eat) dinner when his friend called.

2. When Maria was cleaning the apartment, her husband was sleeping (sleep).

3. At three o’clock this morning, Eleanor was studying (study).

4. When Mark arrived, the Johnsons were having (have) dinner, but they stopped in order to talk to him.

5. John went (go) to France last year.

6. When the teacher entered (enter) the room, the students were talking.

7. While Joan was writing the report, Henry was looking (look) for more information.

8. We saw (see) this movie last night.

9. At one time, Mr. Roberts owned (own) this building.

10. Jose was writing a letter to his family when his pencil broke (broke).

Mungkin dari keterangan dan contoh di atas dapat dibuat sebuah catatn kecil bahwa :

Simple past tense => biasa dilakukan (sehari-hari)

=> + s

Present Progressive => ada keterangan waktu

=> to be + verb+ing

Simple Past => + d / ed

Past Progressive => ada kata hubung ‘when’ atau ‘while’

=> + was + verb+ing

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Hhm., sebenarnya saya kurang begitu bagus dalam berbahasa inggris, bukan karena masalah aksen atau apa, tapi emang gak begitu ngerti sama pelajaran yang satu ini. Maklum, telatnya saya belajar ditambah semakin tingginya tingkat bangku sekolah yang saya duduki menjadikan saya sebagai yang terbelakang dibanding teman-teman yang lain. Wal hasil, sampai sekarang saya masih trauma kalau mendengar kata-kata grammar, tenses, dan keturunannya.

Tapi khusus kali ini saya harus do something, kalau tidak, bakalan gak punya cadangan nilai untuk mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris Bisnis semester ini. Yang dapat saya tangkap dalam kurang lebih 5 kali pertemuan tatap muka adalah sebagai berikut :

1.       The Noun Phrase

Bersumber dari sebuah jendela dunia –buku– yang saya buka, the noun phrase atau ungkapan kata benda adalah kumpulan kata atau kalimat yang berakhiran kata benda. Mungkin yang dimaksudkan di sini adalah kalimat yang pokonya merupakan ungkapan sebuah kata benda, tapi tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk dibumbui dengan kalimat-kalimat lain, kalimat keterangan misalnya.

1.1 Count and Non-Count Nouns

The noun phrase ini dibagai menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu count noun dan non-count noun. Seperti kata-katanya, count noun adalah ungkapan kata benda yang dapat dihitung, sedangkan non-count noun adalah ungkapan kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung.

Contoh count noun :

Book => one book, two books, three books, dan seterusnya.

Contoh non-count noun :

Milk => one glass of milk, two glasses of milk, dan seterusnya.

Koq beda ya? Padahal keduanya –buku dan susu– kan kata benda!? Ya iyalah kawan! Buku termasuk ke dalam kata benda yang dapat dihitung. Bagaimanapun bentuknya, segi empat, oval, tebal ataupun tipis, pasti dapat diukur dengan pasti. Jadi dapat langsung menggunakan ‘satu buku’, ‘dua buku’, dan seterusnya. Namun lain halnya dengan contoh non-count di atas. Susu memang kata benda, tapi di masuk ke dalam kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung. Koq bisa!? Coba aja kalau kita ke pasar mau beli susu, pasti kita beli dengan wadah, dalam kaleng, botol, atau kardus. Kita juga gak pernah kan beli susu cuma sebutir dua butir, gak mungkin – yang ada dbilang koret nanti –. Makanya boys and girls, itulah kenapa kata benda ‘susu’ harus menggunakan kata gelas untuk melengkapi ungkapan pada contoh di atas. Gak harus gelas juga sih, bisa saja botol, atau semacamnya.

With Count Noun

With Non-Count Noun

a, the, some, any

the, some, any

this, that, these, those

this, that

none, one, teo, three, . . . . . . .



a lot of

a large number of

a great number of

(a) few

fewer . . . . . than

more . . . .. . than

much (usually in negatives or question)

a lot of

a large amount of

(a) little

less . . . . . than

more . . . . than

Kata ‘waktu’ dapat menjadi kata yang bisa dihitung dapat pula menjadi kata yang tidak dapat dihitung, tergantung dari konteksnya. Jika yang sedang dibicarakan mempunyai arti occasion maka kata ‘waktu’ termasuk kedalam kata yang dapat dihitung, namun jika artinya a number of hours, days, years, etc, maka kata ‘waktu’ termasuk kedalam kata yang tidak dapat dihitung. Contoh :

We have spent too much time on this homework. (non-count)

She has been late for class six times this semester. (conut)


  1. He doesn’t have (many / much) money.
  2. I would like (a few / a little) salt on my vegetables.
  3. She bought (that / those) cards last night.
  4. There are (less / fewer) students in this room than in the next room.
  5. There is (too much /  too many) bad news on television tonight.
  6. I don’t want (this / these) water.
  7. This is (too many / too much) information to learn.
  8. A (few / little) people left early.
  9. Would you like (less / fewer) coffee than this.
  10. This jacket costs (too much / too many).

1.2 A and an

Kata a dan an merupakan kata imbuhan yang diletakkan di depan kata benda tunggal yang berarti satu. Kata a digunakan sebelum kata yang berawalan huruf konsonan, sedangkan kata an digunakan sebelum kata yang berawalan huruf vokal. Tapi ada beberapa kata yang tidak memenuhi aturan tersebut.

a house (dimulai dengan pengucapan konsonan)

an hour (dimulai dengan pengucapan vokal)

a university (dimulai dengan pengucapan konsonan)

an umbrella (dimulai dengan pengucapan vokal

Jadi mungkin lebih tepat kalau dikatakan, kata-kata yang berawalan dengan pengucapan konsonan harus dimulai dengan kata ‘a’, sedangkan kata-kata yang berawalan dengan pengucapan vocal harus dimulai dengan kata ‘a’.

Contoh ‘a’ :









Contoh ‘an’ :





1.3 The

Kata the digunakan untuk menunjukkan/menyatakan tentang sesuatu yang sudah kita ketahui, atau tentang sesuatu yang sudah diketahui khalayak umum/orang banyak.

  • The boy in the corner is my friend.

Pembicara dan pendengar sama-sama mengetahui orangnya.

  • The earth is round.

Hanya ada satu bumi.

Apabila digabungkan dengan non-count nouns (kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung), kata the bisa dugunakna untuk kalimat yang khusus/spesifik, tapi tidak dapat digunakan untuk yang bersifat umum/general.

  • Sugar is sweet.

General – all sugar.

  • The sugar on the table is from Cuba.

Specific – the sugar that is on the table.


Tambahkan kata ‘a’, ‘an’ atau ‘the’ jika kalimat dibawah ini membutuhkannya. Namun jika tidak membutuhkan, biarkan saja kosong!

  1. Jason’s father bought him the bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday.
  2. The Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship form _____ France to the United States.
  3. Rita is studying _____ English and _____ math this semester.
  4. The judge asked the witness to tell the truth.
  5. Please give me a cup of _____ coffee with _____ cream and _____ sugar.
  6. The big books on the table are for my history class.
  7. No one in _____ Spanish class knew the correct answer to _____ Mrs.Perez’s question.
  8. My _____ car is four years old and it still runs well.
  9. When you go to the store, please buy a bootle of _____ chocolate milk and a dozen oranges.
  10. There are only _____ few seats left for tonight’s musical at _____ university.
  11. John and Marcy went to _____ school yesterday and then studied in the library before returning home.
  12. _____ Lake Erie is one of the five Great Lakes in _____ North America.
  13. on our trip to _____ Spain, we crossed the Atlantic Ocean.
  14. _____ Mount Rushmore is the site of a magnificent tribute to the four great American presidents.
  15. what did you eat for _____ breakfast this morning?
  16. Louie played _____ basketball and _____ baseball at the Boy’s Club this yar.
  17. Rita plays _____ violin and her sister plays guitar.
  18. While we were in _____ Alaska, we saw an Eskimo village.
  19. Phill can’s got to the movies tonight because he has to write an essay.
  20. David attended _____ Princeton University.
  21. Harry has been admitted to the School of Medicine at midwestern university.
  22. Mel’s grandmother is in _____ hospital, so we went to visit her last night.
  23. _____ political science class is taking a trip to the Soviet Union in _____ spring.
  24. _____ Queen Elizabeth II is the monarch of _____ Great Britain.
  25. The Declaration of Independence was drawn up in 1776.
  26. Scientists hope to send an expedition to _____ Mars during _____ 1980s.
  27. Last night there was a bird singing outside my house.
  28. The chair that you are sitting in is broken.
  29. The Civil War was fought in the United States between 1861 and 1865.
  30. _____ Florida State University is smaller than the University of Florida.

1.4 Other, Another and Others

Kata other, another dan others dapat diartikan dengan ‘yang lain’ atau ‘lainnya’. ketiga kata tersebut sangan membingungkan, terutama untuk orang seperti saya. Maka untuk menentukan bagaimana mengguanakan masing-masing kata tersebut dengan tepat, harus diperhatikan empat hal berikut :

  1. Jika kata itu singular (tunggal) atau plural (jamak).
  2. Jika kata itu definite –the– (tentu) atau indefinite –a– (tak tentu),
  3. Jika kata itu berfungsi sebagai adjective yang menerangkan noun atau senantiasa bersama dengan noun.
  4. Jika kata itu berfungsi sebagai pronoun yang dapat berdiri sendiri.
    • I have another (adj.) book
    • I have another (pron.)

Dari contoh di atas, another digunakan hanya untuk menunjuk kepada an indefinite (tak tentu). Dan dengan benda tunggal (singular).

o I have other (adj.) books

o I have others. (pron)

o I have the other book (adj.)

o I have the other (pron.)

o I have the other books (adj.)

o I have the others (pron).

Perhatikan bahwa others hanya digunakan sebagai plural pronoun yang tidak bersama dengan noun (dapat berdiri sendiri). Sedangkan other dapat digunakan untuk semuanya.

o I have three books, two are mine. The other book is yours. (The others is yours).

o I have three books, one is mine. The others are yours. (The others are yours).

o If you are still thirsty, I’ll make another pot of coffee.


Lengkapi dengan bentuk Other!

  1. This pen isn’t working. Please give me another. (singular)
  2. If you are still thirsty. I’ll make another pot of coffee.
  3. This dictionary has a page missing. Please give me the other. (the las one)
  4. He doesn’t need those books. He needs the others. (all the remaining)
  5. There are thirty people in the room. Twenty are from Latin America and the other are from other countries.
  6. Six people were in the store. Two were buying meat. Another was looking at magazines. Another was eating a candy bar. The other were walking around looking for more food. (notice the verb)
  7. This glass of milk is sour. Another glass of milk is sour too.
  8. The army was practicing its drills. One group was doing artillery practice. Another was marching; another was at attention; and the other was practicing combat tactics.
  9. There are seven students from Japan. The others are from Iran, and others are from other places.
  10. We looked at four cars today. This first two were far too expensive, but the other ones were reasonably priced.

2.       The Verb Phrase

2.1. Tenses and aspects

Simple Present :  He walks to school every day.

Simple Past :  He walked to school yesterday.

Present Progressive (continuous) :  He is walking to school now.

Past Progressive (continuous) :  He was walking to school when he saw Jane

Present Perfect :  He has waked to school several times.

Past Perfect : He had walked to school before he hurt his foot.

2.2. Simple Present Tense

Tensis ini biasanya tidak digunakan menunjukkan present time secara kompleks, tapi untuk menunjukkan waktu yang sekarang (sedang dilakukan), dan biasanya terjadi dalam keseharian.

Contoh :

o Something smells very good.

o He practices the piano everyday.

2.3. Present Progressive (Continuous) Tense

Rumus :

subject  +  to be (am/are/is) +  [verb + ing] . . . . .

Contoh :

o We are leaving for the theater at seven o’clock.

o They are driving to school tomorrow.


Lengkapi dengan Simple Present atau Present Progressive!

1. Something smells (smell) very good.

2. We are eating (eat) dinner at seven o’clock tonight.

3. He practices (practice) the piano every day.

4. They are driving (drive) to school tomorrow.

5. I believes (believe) you.

6. Maria has (have) a cold.

7. Jorge is swimming (swim) right now.

8. John hates (hate) smoke.

9. Jill always gets (get) up at 6:00 A.M.

10. Jerry is mowing (mow) the lawn now.

2.4. Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense digunakan untuk sebuah kejadian kompleks yang terjadi pada satu waktu yang telah lampau pada waktu yang spesifik.

Contoh :

o John went to Spain last year.

o Bob bought a new car yesterday.

2.5. Past Progressive (continuous) Tense

Rumus :

subject  +  to be (was/were)  +  [verb + ing] . . . . .

Tensis ini digunakan untuk menerangkan beberapa hal, yaitu :

1) Suatu kejadian yang telah terjadi di masa lampau dan telah disela dengan kejadian yang lainnya. Dalam kasus ini, rumusnya adalah :

when  +  subject1  +  simple past tense  +  subject2  +  past progressive . . .


subject1  +  past progressive  +  when  +  subject2  +  simple past tense . . .

Contoh :

o When Mark came home, Martha was watching TV.

o Martha was watching TV when Mark came home.

2) Dua kejadian yang terjadi secara bersamaan di masa lampau. Dalam kasus ini, rumusnya adalah :

subject1  +  past progressive  +  while  +  subject2  +  past progressive . . .


while  +  subject1  +  past progressive  +  subject2  +  past progressive . . .

Contoh :

o Martha was watching TV while Mark was reading a book.

o While Mark was reading a book, Martha was watching TV.

3) Suatu kejadian yang terjadi pada waktu yang spesifik di masa lampau.

Contoh :

o Martha was watching TV at seven o’clock last night.

o What were you doing at one o’clock this afternoon?


Lengkapi dengan Simple Past atau Past Progressive!

  1. Gene was eating (eat) dinner when his friend called.
  2. When Maria was cleaning the apartment, her husband was sleeping (sleep).
  3. At three o’clock this morning, Eleanor was studying (study).
  4. When Mark arrived, the Johnsons were having (have) dinner, but they stopped in order to talk to him.
  5. John went (go) to France last year.
  6. When the teacher entered (enter) the room, the students were talking.
  7. While Joan was writing the report, Henry was looking (look) for more information.
  8. We saw (see) this movie last night.
  9. At one time, Mr. Roberts owned (own) this building.
  10. Jose was writing a letter to his family when his pencil broke (broke).

Mungkin dari keterangan dan contoh di atas dapat dibuat sebuah catatn kecil bahwa :

Simple past tense        =>        biasa dilakukan (sehari-hari)

=>        + s

Present Progressive     =>        ada keterangan waktu

=>        to be + verb+ing

Simple Past                 =>        +  d / ed

Past Progressive          =>        ada kata hubung ‘when’ atau ‘while’

=>        +  was  +  verb+ing

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